Case Study


Hello, I’m

Yang Shan (Sandy) Chou

🥨 Philadelphia-based Product Designer


Exceed 2025 Evergreen Customers Engagement Campaign

Web Design, Emails, App Promotions

Exceed is Walmart’s go-to payroll Card. Since its inception in 2009, Exceed by Money Network has helped more than 3 million Associates. Over the years, Exceed has continued to innovate, introducing new tools and resources along the way.

Wawa Employer Hiring
Rebrand Campaign

Design System, Print Design, Retail Store

A Wawa employer hiring rebrand campaign for opening as many as 280 new stores over the next decade.

Wawa Hoagie Awareness

Web Design, Digital Design, Social Media Design

Wawa’s launching a Hoagie Awareness promotion to bring additional attention to its built-to-order hoagie lineup.

Pandemic Coffee Guide

Print Design + Mobile Website Template
UX Researcher & Designer

Pandemic Coffee Guide
creates hybrid designs that aim to provide local coffee stores guidelines to have a safe and convenient service like posting large menu items, legible QR codes, and monitoring employment health.
© YangShanChou 2025